Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Here's a Black History Month inferring activity that I did with my little Doodle Bugs today. I started by showing them the response page, which was in colour. Then, I explained that the bus driver told Rosa Parks that she had to sit at the back of the bus, but that Shirley Temple didn't have to. I asked them to infer why this might be. I got some really genuine responses like, "... because the front of the bus is for the younger kids," "...because Rosie was goofing around and not sitting in her seat." I instantly realized that I've been given a very 'Teachable Moment.' Tomorrow we'll read the story of Rosa Parks at readingatoz.com. I can't wait to see what they think about the real reason she had to sit at the back of the bus. Click here for the free response sheet. I'd be interested to know how it turned out for you!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Independent Reading to Writing Connection

This is my attempt at getting my little Doodle Bugs to be accountable during independent reading. I have them use one sentence stem from each level and record and complete on the blank level sheet.
PhotobucketHere's how it turned out...
I'm so proud of my little Doodle Bugs!

Sunday, 19 February 2012


PhotobucketI usually don't support video games, but I love having my Wii in the classroom! It's connected to my smart board and we use it a couple of times a day for Daily Physical Activity. My kids LOVE it! We've done Zumba, Just Dance 3 and Michael Jackson's, 'Beat It.' This week I think we'll try Wii Fit. I've accepted the fact that these digital characters are way better dancers than I am!

Success Criteria Process

Here is a prezi that I created when I was trying to understand how to deconstruct the curriculum to create Learning Goals, Mini-Lessons, and Assessment. I am a visual learner and this is what it looked like in my brain! Just click on the heading 'Success Criteria Process' above.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Writing Word Wall

PhotobucketI'm still trying to navigate myself through the blogging process. I'm not even sure if I'm doing this right. Anyway, here goes nothin'...

This isn’t a new idea, but it’s something that I cannot live without in my grade one class… beginning writers! Students bring their word wall to me open at the beginning sound page (ex: ‘c’ page for the word can). I then point them in the general direction of the word (ex: third row), then using the dominant sound s they hear in the word, they match it to a word in that row. 90% of the time students locate it on their own! This booklet has sight words from grade one, two and three. I laminate them and put them on a ring for easy flipping. Each of my students have their own pocket word wall, and have it hanging on the side of their desk for quick and easy access. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me!                                                                
 - TeachersPayTeachers.com
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