Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Oral Langauge Pairing Cards

Hi Peeps! I was wondering if you would be interested in a FREE set of partner pairing cards to support oral discusion from student-to-student. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Happy Tuesday! I feel like I haven't blogged in a long time. I don't want my fellow followers to go without, so here is a quick little summarizing page you can use with any fiction book. I used the 'Somebody Wanted to But, Then...' framework. Don't forget to stay in touch! 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Linky Winners!

Congratulations to these three winners of my 74 page Wild About Word Play 36 week Package!!!

Amber at Sparkles, Smiles, and Student Steaching:

Jennifer at The First Grade Dream:

Tricia at Queen with Class:

Enjoy ladies! :)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Freebie!! Writing & Reading Workshop!

I must have Spring Fever because here's another FREEBIE! I am actually teaching these lessons this week myself, and I thought it would be neat to team-teach so to speak. I would love to know if these lessons were useful for you, and if I should create more.
If you click here you will be able to download a two-week smart notebook lesson on writing narratives.

Wowzers! This narrative package includes:

-Two weeks of Smart Notebook lessons
-All printables/blackline masters to go with the lessons
-Lesson outline and steps
-Rubric for assessment
-Success Criteria
-List of resources

-BONUS!!!! A week long reading workshop lesson too! Just search my items and look for "Justify Thinking in reading"  It includes:

-Five-day reading workshop lessons
-All printables/blackline masters to go with the lessons
-Oral language success criteria
-List of resources
-Lesson outline and steps


Happy Spring everyone! :)                  

Monday, 19 March 2012

DRA Freebie

FREEBIE! Well it's that time again.... reading assessments! So, instead of eating a second row of cookies, I thought maybe I should busy myself in a constructive way. If you use the Developmental Reading Assessment Kit to assess your students' reading levels, then this will be helpful to you. I have compiled lists of all the sight words, from the DRA books, for each level. I use this to help me plan my word study programs. I have created lists from Level A to Level Q. Happy assessing everyone! CLICK HERE :)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Hooray, hooray, I got an award today!

Thank you sooooo much fellow bloggers and follwers! A special thanks to Kimberlee at   and  for giving me this  'Rated Top Ten' award! I plan to pay it forward!

Friday, 16 March 2012

LINKY Party!! Come Party with me!

3 LUCKY LINKY WINNERS! Okay, so, I'm hosting my first linky! I will be giving away 3 copies my 74 page Word Play Super Pack. Here's how to play...

1. Join my Blog (pretty please)
2. Leave a comment (eezy-peezy 'Hi' or'Hello'), your blog address, and your email.
3. Post this linky on your blog and link back to this posting.

The Linky will close on March 23rd. I will notify the Luck-Linkers by email.
Here's a little preview of the package...

P.S. Pass it on!!


Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Okay, I might have this right! Here is a link to Kindergarten Lifestyle. She is having a linky for primary teachers. If you link, you will also be added to her board on Pinterest. Make your way over and join!

Currently Linky?

Not sure I really know what I'm doing, but I think I'm suppose to fill in this 'Currently' and post it. Any help appreciated! :)
Thanks Farley! Oh' Boy, Fourth Grade.

Monday, 12 March 2012

An award, oh my!

An award... I don't know what to say! I'd like to thank the people..., my family (who let me spend hours stalking following blogging), and a great friend who introduced me to this whole new world of teaching, Keri at

More technology!

Here's another cool site. You can turn all your photos into a shape collage. Here's one of mine made with vaca photos.

Sunday, 11 March 2012


Love coffee as much as I do?! Well, guess what? Erika, over at the honey bunch, is launching a coffee giveaway. I know, right... gotta get there and check it out!

Gotta Love Technology

This site is so neat. You upload a text file from note pad, choose your shape, colour, orientation and voila!  I'm thinking of doing this with my students for Mother's Day. I'll print them and have my kids personalize frames to go around them.

Inquiry Based Learning

Doing it Inquiry Based Learning Style... 2yr old exploring an ipod!           


Saturday, 10 March 2012


Thank you soooooo much to everyone who has joined my blog. I am totally addicted in love with blogging. I also love new comments and new joiners. Hint, hint... pass it on!Photobucket

What is teaching like...

I love this video! Teaching summed up nicely into a song. I found it at Mrs. Tunstill's Tidbits.
Thank goodness for March Break!

Friday, 9 March 2012

Penguin Inquiry Lessons

Here is another inquiry based learning lesson unit. My students fell in love with the true story of this little penguin that was afraid of the water. Perhaps your students will too!



Here is a sample of my differentiated math assessments. Students can demonstrate the required skill in words, pictures, orally, or physically (manipulatives). 

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

FREE Year Plan For Grade One

Here is my Long Range Plans for teaching grade one this year. This is a Word Document that can be changed to suit your needs.    


Click here for your Fiction Text Feature Booklet! This is a booklet that students record fiction text feature element examples in, and write a description about.

Click here for your FREE Non-Fiction Text Feature Booklet! This is booklet that need to be filled in examples of non-fiction text features. There is a cover, a synopsis on the back, a table of contents, an index, a glossary and middle pages for students to fill in. They can publish their own booklet of nonfiction features. Putting in examples and writing a descrition about each on each page. This book can serve as a reference for students, and it will how more meaning because they wrote it themselves!

Click here for a Narrative Planning Organizer and Booklet to write it in! This booklet file has a simple narrative planning page, and the writing booklet to write the story in! I usually have my students write one keyword in each section of the planning page. Then, I have them generate a sentence using their keyword. Next, they details like adjectives. I find it easier to have them write the beginning, then the ending, then the middle. Lastly, I have them illustrate their story.

Click here for a Few of My Favourite Things writing booklet. This is a writing booklet that you can use as a get-to-know-you activity. Students love to share things about themselves… something they know lots about! Students can illustrate their favourite thing (colour, food, place…), and write about it.                                                         


Hi everybody! I'm doing some spring cleaning and thought I'd share.
Click here and get a Writing Conventions Booklet. This is a booklet that the students can not only write in as they learn about various writing conventions, but they can refer back to at any time! Students write an example using the convention and then write about how it is used in writing. For the middle pages, print double sided.
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