Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Have you heard... "Bird, bird, bird"... 'GIVEAWAY ' is the word!!! That's right! Wow, summer holidays and a free gift! If you are looking to update your listening centre with today's TECHNOLOGY, you have to stop over at Keri's blog:   http://teachplaysmile.blogspot.ca/. She is giving away 3...

Belkin Rockstar Multi Headphone Splitters

All you have to do is join two blogs, mine and hers!!! Ezzzy-pezzzy lemon-squeezzzy!!



  1. This would be awesome for my listening center! I've never heard of it.
    Thanks, Jackie jackie@acsnet.com

  2. Hi Kim I really like your blog. I am homeschooling my son, and I am researching to find the standard common core/or curriculum for 1st graders for all subject areas such as mathematics, science, writing, reading, spelling, language arts, history, and arts. I would like to know if you would recommend me or suggest me books I may purchase to base the lessons. Or even websites would be quite helpful.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  3. Great blog! Interested in your inquiry based stuff - I'll have to do a little more readhing!!

    From a fellow Canadian blogger!!

    My Whole Brain Teaching Blog

    A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrelly Crew

  4. I just ran across your blog and I'm super excited because I'm a first grade teacher too. I'm always looking for fellow first grade teachers, so I can learn and get great ideas. I look forward to reading your future posts!


  5. I just came across your blog site and found this interesting giveway...I hope it is not too late to join.

  6. My daughter would love that splitter so she can share with her classmates. I came across your blog via Madly Learning's Canadian Blogger link up. I am hosting a Blog by Province Linky Party for Canadian bloggers. Please consider linking up
    http://teachingisagift.blogspot.ca/2013/03/blog-by-province.html. While you are there you can grab your province button and link back to the party! Hope you will come and join in!

  7. Hi Kim ,

    I happened to chance upon your blog and found it very interesting!

    We have recently launched a science app that uses augmented reality to enhance classroom teaching. The app has 3D models for kindergarten to grade 12. I thought you might want to check it out and may be review it on your blog, if possible.

    It is a paid app(with a few models free) but in case you are interested in trying it out I will be happy to provide you with a free copy.

    The link to the app is: 



    You can also search for the app on the app store as 'Augmenter'.

    Do let me know if you would be interested. I am really Looking forward to your response.

    happy teaching!



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