Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Have you heard... "Bird, bird, bird"... 'GIVEAWAY ' is the word!!! That's right! Wow, summer holidays and a free gift! If you are looking to update your listening centre with today's TECHNOLOGY, you have to stop over at Keri's blog:   http://teachplaysmile.blogspot.ca/. She is giving away 3...

Belkin Rockstar Multi Headphone Splitters

All you have to do is join two blogs, mine and hers!!! Ezzzy-pezzzy lemon-squeezzzy!!


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Primary Poetry Comprehension and Word Study Pack

Long time no blog! This is a 29 page poetry comprehension and word study pack. Each poem comes with a comprehension response activity as well as a word study activity. Great for introducing poetry to primary students! Visit my TPT store for this and the matching FREE poetry writing pack.


Monday, 23 April 2012

Guided Reading Before, During, & After

This is a guided reading kit Primary. It has a reading behaviour checklist for each reading level, as well as a list of before, during and after lessons for each level. This is really going to keep me on track! I hope. Just click the image to go to my TPT store and get this 19 page package for only $1.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Free Printables for DRA

PhotobucketHere are some tracking tools that I use as I track my students' DRA scores. I've used the junior/intermediate version as a resource for designing my own version for my primary classroom. I use the rubric to score,  and record and track in the table, so that I can immediately identify the needs and groups for scaffolding. These are word documents, so you can fine-tune them to suit your own needs. Just click on the image!  Or, click here to get them from my TPT store.
P.S. Feedback welcome! 

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Oral Language

Happy almost weekend! As my little ones talked, and talked, and talked, and talked some more today, I reminded myself how much I value Oral Language. One of the ways I get my students together to share their thinking is by using matching pairs. I've previously posted a set that I've used in math (freebie), but you can use almost anything. Some that I use are homonyms, antonyms, contractions, math questions and answers, rhyming words, picture associations (cookies & milk), etc. After assessing some of my struggling readers today, I realized some of them needed more practise with CVCe words (Magic 'e'). So, I came home today, ignored my dog who was barking, the laundry pile, the clean dishes in the dishwasher that needed to be put away, my messy bed... well, let's just say I did a good job of ignoring all household chores, to create this new set of Magic 'e' pairing cards for my ankle bitters! For 50cents you could have them too! Click here to go to my TPT store, where there are TONS of printable FREEBIES just for you!


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

TAG, I'm it!

TAG, I'm it!
Thanks to Jessica over at Confessions of a Primary Teacher

Okay so, here are the rules...
1. Answer the 10 questions that the tagger posted for you.
2. Create 10 questions of your own to ask people that you're about to tag.
3. Tag 10 people and link them with your post (and tell them they've been tagged).

My answers!1. If I couldn't teach I would love to work for the travel network.
2. My favourite sport is hockey and I root for the Montreal Canadians.
3. To get through a rough day I have a Tim Horton's coffee and lick the icing off of at least two cupcakes.
4. My dream home would be right next to my sister's house, and it would have a connectng tunnel between the two!
5.  To relax I lovvvvve to put on my pj's and get lost in one of my favourite movies.
6. My favourite season is summer, of course. I love to spend the day on my deck with a good book.
7. My favourite subject to teach is language because, in grade one, I get to be witness to them reading for the first time. Happy tears for the sweet moments.
8. A student who has touched me... so many, but one that I think was as touched by me as I was by her would be a student who had just lost her mom to cancer. She was lost, and dad was doing the best he could. I tried to fill in the gaps. Many tears exchanged on the last day for sure. But, it wasn't until I received a letter at my new school the following year, that I realized just how much she really needed and appreciated the extra care.
9. I don't really care for Coke cause I'm a Pepsi fan.
10. Most embarrassing moment while teaching... hmm, for me to know, and you to find out!

The wonderful teacher-bloggers I'm tagging are:

1.Marsha at: http://differentiatedkindergarten.blogspot.ca/
2. Keri at: http://teachplaysmile.blogspot.ca/
3. Traci at: http://dragonfliesinfirst.blogspot.ca/
4. Rebecca at: http://www.mrsrojasteaches.blogspot.ca/
5. Kayla at: http://primaryjunction.blogspot.ca/
6. Hilary at: http://rockinteachermaterials.blogspot.ca/
7. Jen at: http://theteacherscauldron.blogspot.ca/
8. Kimberly at: http://funkyfirstgradefun.blogspot.ca/
9. Mel at: http://seusstastic.blogspot.ca/
10. Erika at: http://2bhoneybunch.blogspot.ca/
The questions are...
1.What's your favourite kind of apple red or green?
2. Tell of a time when you knew you were truely appreciated.
3. What's the tallest your hair has been? (What can I say, I loved the 80's).
4. If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be?
5. What picture book makes you cry every time?
6. If you were granted one wish for your classroom, what would it be?
7. Finish this statement: "If money grew on trees..."
8. Favourite colour of jelly bean?
9. If you won the lottery, would you hire an assistant or retire?
10. If you were a colour, what would it be?


Monday, 9 April 2012

Huge Aboriginal Unit

Phew, done! Part of our PD recently has been about integrating more Aboriginal components to our planning. So, I created what I needed to do just that! This is a huge unit that encompasses videos, and detailed lesson plans for each of the 12 lesson (57 notebook slides). It has reading, writing, oral langauge, and visual arts all rolled into it. I have included all printables for each lesson. Head on over to my TPT store and take a peek for more details.  Click HERE!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Linky your classroom!

Another linky party. Share you pics of your fantabulous classroom over at: http://msfultz.blogspot.ca/
Come on, you know your classroom is beautiful! 



April Currently! These are super fun! Thanks Farley


Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Oral Langauge Pairing Cards

Hi Peeps! I was wondering if you would be interested in a FREE set of partner pairing cards to support oral discusion from student-to-student. 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Happy Tuesday! I feel like I haven't blogged in a long time. I don't want my fellow followers to go without, so here is a quick little summarizing page you can use with any fiction book. I used the 'Somebody Wanted to But, Then...' framework. Don't forget to stay in touch! 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Linky Winners!

Congratulations to these three winners of my 74 page Wild About Word Play 36 week Package!!!

Amber at Sparkles, Smiles, and Student Steaching:

Jennifer at The First Grade Dream:

Tricia at Queen with Class:

Enjoy ladies! :)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Freebie!! Writing & Reading Workshop!

I must have Spring Fever because here's another FREEBIE! I am actually teaching these lessons this week myself, and I thought it would be neat to team-teach so to speak. I would love to know if these lessons were useful for you, and if I should create more.
If you click here you will be able to download a two-week smart notebook lesson on writing narratives.

Wowzers! This narrative package includes:

-Two weeks of Smart Notebook lessons
-All printables/blackline masters to go with the lessons
-Lesson outline and steps
-Rubric for assessment
-Success Criteria
-List of resources

-BONUS!!!! A week long reading workshop lesson too! Just search my items and look for "Justify Thinking in reading"  It includes:

-Five-day reading workshop lessons
-All printables/blackline masters to go with the lessons
-Oral language success criteria
-List of resources
-Lesson outline and steps


Happy Spring everyone! :)                  

Monday, 19 March 2012

DRA Freebie

FREEBIE! Well it's that time again.... reading assessments! So, instead of eating a second row of cookies, I thought maybe I should busy myself in a constructive way. If you use the Developmental Reading Assessment Kit to assess your students' reading levels, then this will be helpful to you. I have compiled lists of all the sight words, from the DRA books, for each level. I use this to help me plan my word study programs. I have created lists from Level A to Level Q. Happy assessing everyone! CLICK HERE :)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Hooray, hooray, I got an award today!

Thank you sooooo much fellow bloggers and follwers! A special thanks to Kimberlee at
http://teachertakers.blogspot.ca/   and  http://twofulbrighthugs.blogspot.ca/  for giving me this  'Rated Top Ten' award! I plan to pay it forward!

Friday, 16 March 2012

LINKY Party!! Come Party with me!

3 LUCKY LINKY WINNERS! Okay, so, I'm hosting my first linky! I will be giving away 3 copies my 74 page Word Play Super Pack. Here's how to play...

1. Join my Blog (pretty please)
2. Leave a comment (eezy-peezy 'Hi' or'Hello'), your blog address, and your email.
3. Post this linky on your blog and link back to this posting.

The Linky will close on March 23rd. I will notify the Luck-Linkers by email.
Here's a little preview of the package...

P.S. Pass it on!!


Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Okay, I might have this right! Here is a link to Kindergarten Lifestyle. She is having a linky for primary teachers. If you link, you will also be added to her board on Pinterest. Make your way over and join!

Currently Linky?

Not sure I really know what I'm doing, but I think I'm suppose to fill in this 'Currently' and post it. Any help appreciated! :)
Thanks Farley! Oh' Boy, Fourth Grade.

Monday, 12 March 2012

An award, oh my!

An award... I don't know what to say! I'd like to thank the people..., my family (who let me spend hours stalking following blogging), and a great friend who introduced me to this whole new world of teaching, Keri at http://teachplaysmile.blogspot.com/.
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